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Battery Warming Smart Fabric Heats Automotives too

Developed by a scientist in Izmir, the low-voltage fabric that can emit heat for long periods of time, now began to be used for the internal heating of electric cars.

The developed seat heating system, unlike others, has a low-voltage feature.

The fabric, which was able to dissipate heat for a long time with low voltage, developed by the Turkish scientist, was first tested for the domestic heating of electric cars after the first export to Germany for diving clothing.

Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) Doctor Faculty Member Mustafa Erol in 2011, “Heat Emitting Polymeric Materials” developed with his doctoral dissertation heat dissipating heat for long periods of time, the demand for use in different sectors in the process came from many countries.

German army diving suit
As an alternative to heating fabric made with resistance wires, Erol has developed flexible and heat resistant fibers that are resistant to corrosion and breakage, and has succeeded in developing technology that provides less energy and longer heat than its counterparts in the USA and South Korea.

Erol, who won the Elginkan Foundation Technology Award for his scientific work, established Iltema with his partner Ayhan Prepol within the Dokuz Eylül University Technology Development Zone (DEPARK) with the support of TÜBİTAK for the application of fabric to different materials and marketing worldwide.

After completing the patent process, the company made its first introduction last year and demand from around the world began to fall.

The Turkish technology, whose products were tested at the Hamburg Technical University and proved successful, was exported for use in diving suits for the German army.

Heated snow awning to Kazakhstan
Product testing company that signed the protocol on the marketing of fabric with a British company, now Turkey in carrying out projects to develop with a company that produces seats for car seat heating pad.
